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About Droshi

Why are you so curious to learn about me?

Well, where do I start? I'm a red Yoshi with orange hair, I like to draw, I'm 14 years old, I enjoy foreign cheeses, Space Ghost, Weird Al, Yoshi, Nintendo, and other stuff you don't care about. My friends are Poshi Yoshira, Yoshiru Ferrari, Yoshi, Boshi, Ghoshi, yoshi901, Raynbow, and the rest of the crew at CYP!

I'll also try to include some pictures that I feel represent me. For example, I might include a picture from my favorite movie or TV show, or a photo of a prized possession...for example, my car:

My 1976 Ford Pinto, complete with an explosion when rear-ended!

Droshi's Favorite Stuff

Ok, here's some junk I like.

Favorite TV Show: Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
Favorite Movie: The Waterboy
Favorite Music: Weird Al!!!
Favorite Book: Uhhhh...does a comic book count?
Favorite Sports Team: The Devil Rays *lol*!
Favorite Food: Arby's Big Montana Combo w/Curly Fries
People I Most Admire: Yoshiru Ferrari, Luna Yoshi, and the other Yoshi artists